Sunday, 13 May 2012

Losing my rhythm

I am sick at the moment and finding lots of time to fill whilst sat around the house. Naturally online poker can do this very well but it is not really a profitable exercise.  I am losing my rhythm, finding myself stranded across the beat unable to make sense of the pulse of the game. I am misreading strength as weakness and misreading weakness as strength and often folding better hands. The more you play with donkeys the more you start to play like one since they make such odd size bets at random times and routinely play any two cards. I have been trying to nit up and play solid hands, but the high proportion of rocks in the cash games makes this unprofitable. Your aim is to stack a donk but this can take time and I am firing at all the wrong times and not punishing tight players enough to keep afloat. I want to be able to move into multitabling but I see potential pitfalls that many bad reg players suffer from. You can limp into too many pots because it is easier to think 'i can flop a flush with A5s if I limp, so I call' than it is to note your position, who is behind, who might pay you off if you hit, and what would happen if you repeated the move 100 times? I am already having problems limping in the small blind too often multiway and errors like this compound when you multitable. You also lose the ability to spot timing tells which have become very useful to me. So many players routinely quick check polarised hand strength and have a long think about marginal situations, making your post flop decisions easy in heads up pots. Of course if I am being truly honest with myself the main reason I want to multitable is that I have just discovered how to tile the tables together into a neat pattern on the screen and it looks very cool indeed.

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