Monday, 20 December 2010

No Place Like Home

Just got back from a fun home cash game with friends and loving the action, although it was sadly curtailed by a 'sorry I've got work in the morning' hit and run by the chip leader. Tonight got me thinking about two concepts: seat selection and shorthanded strategy. When sitting down with friends it is not exactly in keeping with the spirit of a home game to start angling for a particular seat and you basically have to take it on the chin if the bluff-raising super-aggro player is seated to your left and not your right. I also realised that I have no concept of starting hand requirements for shorthanded play, because I usually play full ring or 10 man SNGs. In a sit and go your strategy is fairly predetermined when it comes to shorthanded play:  when you play a cash game with decent stacks  it is a different matter and I was lost.  I stuck to a standard cut off and button opening range, but at the same time I thought that I was nitting up way too tight for the occasion. I was also far too merry and having far too much fun to notice my dwindling stack.  I was just just happy to be sat around a table with my friends at Christmas, talking rubbish, eating rubbish and in the case of one of my mates, shoving all in with rubbish.